Sunday, 5 February 2012

Dim Sun Restaurant with special self-serving

I went to this restaurant where it does not only have nice interior decorations but its unique method of letting you choose your own teapot, tea leaves (whatever amount you want) and add hot water yourself.
Very interesting. For more details at  

Saturday, 4 February 2012

How do we view happiness?

What's happiness?
To a small child- getting to eat a cone of ice-cream is happiness.
When he is a teenager, he'll say "Hah! its only ice-cream"
When he is a father, he'll say "Its only ice-cream, no big deal"
When he is in his late forties and fifties, ice-cream is just a trifle matter,he's got other more serious matters.

So, happiness is very subjective.
Happiness can be just momentarily,  depending on our feelings.

What makes you happy?
Think about it....... Think hard......
Lets share our stories.
Hehe, sharing also can bring happiness, right?

So, what say you?

Petra, Jordan- Wow,I feel like I'm in Indiana Jones movie!!

Petra was not hot nor cold in early Dec. 2012.  We wore thick clothes because there's occasional chilly winter wind. I love the weather. 
I manage to snap this on the way in.

Petra is one of the many spectacular historical sites in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Petra was taken over by the Roman Emprire 3,000 years ago and was the official trade route then. 

Petra suffered several earth quakes between 1BC and 8AD, as well as the most shattering in AD363.Petra was rediscovered by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812. This site is so spectacular that it was featured in two movies that is Indiana Jonse and the Last Crusader. It was also known as the Red Rose City of Jordan. 

Need to walk about 2 kilometer to go in.  Its an enjoyable with beautiful scenes

Aah, A peek of the Treasury! Like gold shining through, awesome!!

The Treasury

There are layers of colourful rock formations, sandstone cliffs and caves. Its a whole township with many tombs, open spaces and even a theater . See video below